
Hullo! no hi all, this blog is about review of a food book and maybe some food. No promises on Food, so don't quote on me for this.

Anyway first thing first, I will be reviewing a book called First Food Nation written by Eric Schlosser.

The subtitle is "The dark side of the all-american meal". Cleary showing the book is criticizing rather than praising it. This remind me of a film called super size me. Hmm, marvelous.

So, I will be cutting this post here because to be honest I don't have too much ideas to write here. Next time I will try to find something to write. Stay tuned, or not.

6 件のコメント:

  1. I know that TV show Super Size Me. Its so shocking and disturbing when It finally hits you that alot of the the things that we put in our mouths is not what you would call "healthy"
    Your book sounds interesting!

  2. I'm interested in the subtitle, "The dark side of the all-american meal". I also think that America have some problem related food. For example, there are a lot of overweight children in America because fast food is popular. I want to know details about your book.

  3. Im interested in the dark side of american meal too! McDonalds always comes up to my head when I hear american meal lol

  4. So your book sounds interesting too especially the "dark side" part :)
    looking forward to your new postings!

  5. I have same book, "fast food nation" lol
    I'm looking forward to your book review!

  6. Yes, the title is _Fast Food Nation_, rather than _First Food Nation_, as Aira pointed out. I read this book many years ago and found it very interesting, but also rather depressing that food could be so adulterated and so harmful to people who produce it, process it (esp. meat processors), and consume it. The author is an excellent investigative journalist and uncovers not only questionable food ingredients and additives, but also dangerous work practices and abuses. It's hard to eat a hamburger in the same way after reading it.

    It's a shame that you had to change books because somebody else checked it out. Actually, it's available used on Amazon for quite a cheap price.

    Also, your blog still doesn't have some of the minimum required features:

    * links to all of the blogs of your classmates
    * a personal profile
    * a "news roll" showing food-related news based on key words that you select
    * a description of your blog
